The best places to live in Spain – when there is a lot to choose from

Spain is an amazing country that is perfect for permanent living. It has a wonderful Mediterranean climate, a splendid cuisine and a lot of cultural attractions and various types of recreation for every taste. Potential relocators are also attracted by the fact that the cost of living here is relatively low compared to other European countries.

But, as in every country, there are pros and cons here, which, among other things, concern the specifics of local cities. Today we decided to tell you where it is better to buy real estate in Spain if you want to stay here longer than for the duration of your vacation.





General information about the country

Spain is located in the south of Europe and is one of the largest countries of the European Union. It borders many states, including France and Portugal, and having a Spanish passport allows you to travel to all EU countries without a visa.

Best places to live in Spain


The official language is Spanish, but in some regions there are their own local dialects, which are also recognized as official languages. On the territory of the country there are several autonomous communities, including Catalonia and the Basque Country (Basque Country), where they have their own distinctive culture. Therefore, representatives of these peoples are quite jealous of their national identity. However, this does not affect the attitude towards tourists and migrants – in Spain everywhere there is a tolerant and friendly society, so newcomers have almost no problems with integration. Of course, if they try to learn the language and respect the culture of another country.


Features of the landscape

The landscape of Spain amazes with its diversity: here you can meet both deserts, snow-covered rocks and swampy areas, as well as beautiful sea coasts. Here is a very large extent of coastline, so the country has many resorts that attract with their beach holidays: Costa Blanca, Costa del Sol, Canary Islands and so on.



Best places to live in Spain


What attracts most tourists and those who want to move to Spain for permanent residence is, of course, the local climate. Here the Mediterranean climate prevails, but there are several climatic zones in the country, so the weather can vary in different regions. Spain is suitable for year-round visits, but the most comfortable here are in April and May, as well as from September to October. Summer is very hot, but if you move closer to the sea, then this is only a plus.


Local population

Spaniards are a very friendly nation that treats migrants well. Therefore, they will not let you know that you are a stranger here. Of course, you need to learn the language and try to integrate into society, but this applies to any country.


Best places to live in Spain


But the local population has its own characteristics that you need to know:

  • Spaniards are open and emotional people, but their temperament is more with the prefix «plus». They are quite noisy, while far from always punctual and serious in fulfilling their promises. The famous «mañana» («tomorrow») is a real reflection of how they live.
  • Most Spaniards are bright patriots of their country, and when it comes to those who live in autonomous communities, the issue of national identity becomes even more acute. It is better to try to avoid conversations, for example, on the topic of whether Catalonia is part of Spain. Spaniards are very jealous of their past, so it is better not to touch on the topic of Franco’s rule.
  • Spaniards are also a religious people, so it is better not to joke on such topics.


Otherwise, there are no special fundamental differences between Spaniards and other southern nations. They live happily, try to be as open and honest with people as possible.


Where is it better to buy real estate in Spain?

Life in Spain is the dream of many people, so every year millions of tourists come here. Some of them, charmed by the local flavor, decide to stay here forever. We have collected for you several possible directions, moving to which will definitely leave only pleasant impressions.



This autonomous community includes several cities, the main of which, perhaps, is Barcelona. It is a large seaport, which is second only to Madrid in terms of population.


Best places to live in Spain


It has a very favorable climate: in summer the temperature stays around 25-30 degrees above zero, and in winter it practically does not drop below +10 degrees. This is a city where there is always something to do and something to do. But there is also a downside – a large number of tourists and constant noise, as well as not the lowest prices for housing.



The second in our list, but not the second in importance – this is Madrid, which is the capital of Spain. The population of the city is more than 3.2 million people as of 2022, which is about 2 times more than in Barcelona – the second most populous Spanish city. Therefore, life here boils in the literal and figurative sense.


Best places to live in Spain


The capital of Spain opens up a lot of opportunities for self-realization. There is always enough work here, and it is paid at a very decent level. In Madrid there are quite a few people from the former Soviet space who are actively working in construction and other spheres.

Here you can get a prestigious education, which will allow you to count on a more highly paid position. There are no problems with restaurants, shopping centers, museums, theaters and other places for recreation here – you will surely find the entertainment that suits your temperament.



This is the largest and most densely populated autonomous region in the country after Central. In principle, you can choose any Andalusian city as a place to live, but two of them stand out especially against the general background – these are Malaga and Seville.


Best places to live in Spain


Malaga is a resort city with a very favorable climate. In summer, the air temperature stays around +27 degrees Celsius, i.e. there is no strong heat, and in winter it practically does not drop below +11 degrees.


Best places to live in Spain


Seville is also an attractive place to move. There are many attractions here (especially in the historical center, where there are magnificent monuments of architecture). Summer is quite hot – the temperature can reach +35 degrees.


Costa Blanca

This is a region on the Mediterranean coast of Spain, which includes the coastal cities of the province of Alicante, which is part of the autonomous community of Valencia. This is the edge of endless well-groomed beaches and resorts, so many consider Costa Blanca to be the best place to live in Spain. And there are reasons for this.


Best places to live in Spain


The first thing to start with is the magnificent climate. According to different sources, there are from 300 to 320 sunny days a year here, i.e. it is comfortable to stay on Costa Blanca at any time. Thanks to such a climate, the beach season here lasts from May to October. In principle, you can swim in November – the water still remains relatively warm.

By the way, about the beaches – this is the main «trick» of this region. In the south you will find long sandy beaches that alternate with picturesque rocky coves, and in the north you can already see sandy-pebble beaches. Most of them are maximally equipped, for which they were awarded a special mark of quality – «blue flag».

Another plus is the local housing, which cannot be called the most expensive in the country. It amazes with its diversity – here you can buy apartments, townhouses, houses, bungalows, as well as villas with a separate exit to the sea.


Best places to live in Spain


On Costa Blanca there are a lot of resorts where you can buy real estate for permanent residence. Here are just a few interesting options:

  • Alfaz del Pi. This is a kind of Norwegian enclave in the region, where a large number of descendants of Vikings live. This affected the local flavor, while there are not only Spaniards and Norwegians living here, but also representatives of other countries.
  • Benidorm. A popular resort located in the eastern part of the country. The city, bearing the name «Spanish Manhattan», turned from a nondescript fishing village into a modern metropolis, where there are a lot of skyscrapers, restaurants, night bars and casinos. At the same time, the city is suitable for families with children, thanks to the maximally developed infrastructure.
  • La Nucia. This is a small town located in a picturesque valley. It is surrounded by mountains that protect it from strong winds, so most of the year it is very warm here. In the city there are a lot of football fields, swimming pools, sports grounds and other facilities for lovers of an active lifestyle. About 40% of the local residents are foreigners, so La Nucia is a real multicultural city.


Moving to Spain is the right decision for several reasons. The main ones are the warm climate, excellent cuisine, beautiful architecture and friendliness of the local people. Life here is not as expensive as in England or Germany, while foreigners can buy real estate without any restrictions. When buying housing worth more than 500 000 euros, a non-resident can apply for a residence permit.


Specialists of the real estate agency «M2 Real Estate» will help you find interesting options. On our website there are many verified objects located in different cities on Costa Blanca – one of the most attractive regions of Spain for moving to a permanent place of residence.