Spain or UAE – where to buy a home with a long-term perspective of residence

The question of moving to another country is a very responsible step for any person, especially if it concerns buying real estate. To make a decision, you need to carefully consider all the nuances and base your choice on your needs and preferences.

Let’s look at two completely different countries in terms of mentality, not bordering each other, and tell you where it is better to live – in the UAE or Spain?


Spain or UAE





Quality of life in Spain

Spain is located in the southwest of Europe, occupying part of the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and the Mediterranean Sea.


Spain or UAE


Spain has always been an attractive destination for tourism and buying property for permanent residence. The main “feature” of the country is its favorable Mediterranean climate, which allows the tourist season to last all year round. In summer, the temperature is always comfortable in the range of 25-30 degrees, and in winter it rarely drops below zero, especially if we are talking about the Costa Blanca and other resort coastal areas.


Local cuisine

People who prefer healthy eating will be attracted by the abundance of delicious and healthy food that can be enjoyed all year round. Spanish cuisine is a special kind of art, because the paella and gazpacho cooked from the heart will not leave indifferent any gourmet. This is a true poetry of cooking, so this place is definitely recommended for those who want to experience new gastronomic sensations. Fresh fruits, vegetables and seafood are inexpensive, especially compared to other European countries. The same applies to the prices for renting housing – in the company “M2 Real Estate” there is a large selection of cozy apartments, townhouses, houses and other real estate objects.

Spain has a very developed infrastructure and there are no problems with public transport, so you can save money on buying a personal car, avoiding expenses on gasoline.


Spanish mentality

The peculiarity of the Spanish mentality is living for pleasure, so the locals do not strive to achieve success at any cost. Family and cozy gatherings with friends over a glass of wine are the main wealth, not an expensive car or a bank account.


Spain or UAE


From here comes the atmosphere of festive fun: dancing, festivals, fairs, endless bars, where you can watch the match of your favorite football team over a glass of sangria.


Where is the best place to live in Spain?

Spain is beautiful in many respects. Almost any city in the country is a great place for vacation and permanent residence. You can list interesting destinations for recreation endlessly, so we will mention only a few places.


La Nucia


Spain or UAE


La Nucia is a municipality located in the province of Alicante, in the region of Valencia. This picturesque town is situated on the slope of the Sierra de Aitana mountain range, offering scenic views of the Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding landscapes.

One of the main attractions of La Nucia is its old town (Casco Antiguo), which offers an authentic Spanish atmosphere with narrow streets, colorful houses and cozy squares. Also note the castle of San Jose (Castell de Sant Josep), which towers over the town, providing stunning views of the surrounding area.




Spain or UAE


Barcelona is the largest city in Catalonia and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Spain. The city is located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and is famous for its rich history, cultural heritage, architecture of Gaudi, exciting nightlife and unique cuisine.

One of the main attractions of Barcelona is the famous cathedral of the Holy Family (Sagrada Familia) – a majestic building, created by the great architect Antonio Gaudi, which continues to impress visitors with its amazing design and architecture.

The city has many amazing historical districts: Gothic Quarter (Barri Gòtic), La Rambla (Ramblas), El Born, which offer visitors fascinating walks through narrow streets, ancient squares and many historical monuments.




Spain or UAE


Oliva is a picturesque municipality located in the province of Valencia. One of the main attractions of Oliva is its well-kept beaches, which attract many tourists from different corners of the world.

The town has an amazing cultural heritage, which is manifested in its historical center with cozy streets, old buildings and many local monuments and architectural attractions. One of such unique objects is the bell tower of the Church of Saint Mary (Iglesia de Santa María La Mayor), which rises above the town and offers stunning views of the surroundings.


Quality of life in the UAE

The UAE is a Middle Eastern country with the capital Abu Dhabi, which is a true icon of the modern urban landscape. The national cuisine will not leave you indifferent, because the traditional dishes have a unique and rich taste, combined with oriental spices.


Spain or UAE


The strictness and observance of traditions have not gone anywhere, but some rules and habits have changed due to the abundant flow of foreigners. For example, the country is loyal to foreign capital and the UAE, in general, strives to create the most favorable conditions for foreign citizens.



The climate in the UAE is very hot and dry. Spring is the most favorable place to live, because the temperature resembles summer in the usual sense of a European. Already in April, the temperature is around +32 degrees Celsius, and in May – already around 37-38 degrees.

Summer is a real hell, when it is almost impossible to be outside. In June and July, the temperature heats up to +40 degrees and above, so in this period there are very few tourists from Europe here.

With the arrival of autumn, the heat begins to recede a little, but even September may seem too hot for the average European. In October, the weather is more favorable, but in November the rainy season begins, although the temperature remains comfortable. In winter, the temperature drops to more comfortable values for Europeans, so in these months the flow of tourists is quite large.


Spain and UAE

It is hard to say in which country it is better to live, because everyone has their own requirements for the place where they are going to live. Therefore, let’s note a few advantages of each country.


Spain or UAE


Advantages of Spain:

  • Climatic conditions. Spain is famous for its warm Mediterranean climate. Here you can enjoy sunny weather almost all year round, which makes it an ideal place for beach lovers and healthy lifestyle.
  • Diversity of landscapes. From snow-capped mountain peaks to picturesque beaches – Spain surprises with its diverse landscapes. This creates unique opportunities for tourism, mountaineering, hiking and cycling.
  • Cultural heritage. Spanish culture is one of the greatest in the world, so in every city you can find a historical monument or any other memorable place, which is associated with a special history.
  • Gastronomy. Spanish cuisine is famous for its traditional dishes: paella, tapas, hamon, etc. Local products are always fresh and inexpensive by European standards.
  • Good attitude to migrants. This is manifested not only in the positive of the local population, but also in the opportunities that exist for potential relocators. For example, when buying a property for more than 500,000 euros, you can get a residence permit.


Spain or UAE


Advantages of the UAE:

  • Economic growth. The UAE is known for its economic development, which makes the country an attractive place for those who are looking for new opportunities in business and career growth.
  • Tax benefits. There is no income tax for individuals here, which makes the country attractive for entrepreneurs and specialists from different industries.
  • High level of security. The UAE is one of the safest countries in the world. The low level of crime allows you to feel comfortable and under the protection of the local police.
  • Cultural diversity. The UAE offers a unique mix of different cultures and nationalities. Here live people from all corners of the planet, which creates an incredibly diverse and open society.
  • Entertainment and luxury. Modern shopping malls, luxurious hotels, high-class restaurants and developed entertainment infrastructure make the UAE an attractive place for those who appreciate comfort and luxury.
  • Natural beauty. Despite the high level of urban development, the country offers amazing natural beauty, which makes them an attractive place for lovers of active recreation and other entertainment.


In case your choice falls on Spain, in the matter of buying a property, you will be helped by specialists of the real estate agency “M2 Real Estate”, offering real estate for any requirements. We provide options not only for buying or renting, but also for exchange of real estate, which allows you to change your place of residence on the most favorable terms. Many offers are not published in the public domain, so we can provide them upon your request.