How to exchange housing anywhere in the world for real estate in Spain?

Owning property in Spain is the desire of many people, wherever they are. Snow-white beaches, Mediterranean climate and pure water – all this already sounds like a good advertising campaign, and it seems that such an opportunity is available to very few. But this is not the case when it comes to international real estate exchange.

This is also relevant for Europeans, citizens of North and South America – especially for residents of the capitals. Many residents of New York, Berlin or London are thinking about moving today, because in theory life in the capital is prestigious, but in practice it turns out that even a relatively good income may not be enough for a comfortable life. At the same time, one should not forget about chronic fatigue, which affects most of the inhabitants of megacities, because achieving financial success in the capital is constant stress, as well as a catastrophic lack of free time. And surely many of them periodically think about moving to where it is warm, and where there is no constant bustle and pollution of the metropolis. Fortunately, the residents of the capital have a significant advantage – it is extremely high prices for housing, which allows them to exchange their typical apartment for comfortable real estate in warm Spain.


Exchange of real estate for foreign


Why is this relevant?

Real estate exchange can be relevant for both parties at once. If we continue the analogy with the UK, then for the British everything is obvious, because moving to Spain is an opportunity to change housing in a stuffy metropolis for an apartment or other apartments in Spain, where the number of sunny days per year exceeds 300.

But what is the benefit for those who currently live in Spain? This is possible if the Spanish authorities do not extend the visa and it is necessary to urgently sell their property here and move to another place of residence. Today, the typical sale and transfer of money between countries is no longer relevant, so international exchange helps in this situation.


What is international real estate exchange?

Real estate exchange between two parties is a form of transaction in which there is no payment for the value of the property, i.e. one property is simply exchanged for another. A corresponding contract is concluded, within which each of the parties undertakes to transfer their housing without money exchange.


Exchange of real estate for foreign


You can exchange any type of real estate – apartment, villa, townhouse, etc. The main thing is that such an exchange suits both parties.

Since 2013, Spain has introduced “golden visas” – this is an opportunity to obtain a residence permit in this country when buying local real estate. But it should be borne in mind that this applies only to transactions exceeding 500,000 euros.


In addition to the possibility of obtaining a residence permit, international exchange has other advantages:

  • Good investment. Foreign real estate is always a good way to invest, because it allows you not only to live in it, but also to rent out housing.
  • Benefit. Each of the parties may have their own reasons why they went for such a deal. Therefore, in any case, they remain in the black.
  • Money is not required. The process of the transaction is as simple as possible, because you do not have to figure out how to transfer money, etc.


Each stage of this procedure has its own specifics, because international exchange is a rather complex transaction in the real estate market. Therefore, it is recommended to contact only specialists who have a serious background in conducting such cases. Do you want everything to go without unnecessary delays? Then the employees of the company “M2 Real Estate” are at your service, who have a high level of qualification.


Exchange of real estate for foreign


You need to leave an application on the website, filling out a simple form with the necessary data about your property, as well as the housing that you prefer to exchange. Our specialists will check your property for legal purity and then it will be added to the database. You will be offered several options that suit your requests, i.e. you just have to make a choice. If the owner of another living space agrees to the deal, then all other worries fall on us – from negotiations to handing over the keys.

Housing for exchange abroad is an opportunity to change your life by changing your permanent place of residence. In our real estate agency, you can exchange housing in any part of the world for Spain, so do not miss this opportunity and apply.